An ordinary girl without any super powers. Was born with a few % of Chinese blood. Wore braces and retainers before. Used to be always in her state of trance. Gets distracted easily by the surroundings. Always have ridiculousweird
dreams, not wet dreams. Family/relatives call me Nurul. Friends call me Jannah. And i definitely believe that it takes more muscle to frown than to smile =D
Friday, June 20, 2008
alright alright. i'm updating blog right now. i'll just talk about my trip to Bangi last, atok, nenek, abang and UF (uncle) went there by car. such an exhausting 5 hour journey. and i love the 5-star hotel we stayed at. hotel equatorial. that's what it's called.
so the nikah ceremony was at the bride's house. the Tok kadi was 45 mins late.
grr!! he just lived nearby. probably, he just wanted to make the potential bride and groom more tensed. hehe.
yada yada yada. back to the hotel at 12+am. and i slept at 2+ cos i wanted to watch disney channel. there's a kid in me! but seriously la. i like to watch cartoons. and lizzie mcguire was showed. oh! HILARY DUFF! my granny's sister stayed in the same room as me.
we overslept the next morning and had to rush and get ready for breakfast. and then, SHOPPING!! at alamanda. a shopping centre. like CS and TM. and UF treated us to anything we want. but nah...i only took a long sleeve shirt. and abang got a new jacket. heh.
after lunch, went to another smaller shopping centre. and this time nenek bought me a white long skirt. yay!
the grand ceremony was at the hall. the bride's elder sister is a dancer at dunno what tarian. so they performed a welcome dance, a dance for the bride and groom and a chacha dance. and some little girls danced an arab song. so cute la!!
and yeah. and they finally lived happily ever after.. xD
some pictures here..
bathtub rox!
imran, my uncle. but we call him UF.
granny's sister. [nek uda]
my favourite!
how adorable.
little kids dancing arab song.
a building that looks like a duck.