An ordinary girl without any super powers. Was born with a few % of Chinese blood. Wore braces and retainers before. Used to be always in her state of trance. Gets distracted easily by the surroundings. Always have ridiculousweird
dreams, not wet dreams. Family/relatives call me Nurul. Friends call me Jannah. And i definitely believe that it takes more muscle to frown than to smile =D
Sunday, January 18, 2009

beeboo and mak ngah

he's so terrified of the ocean waves.

so that's why he preferred playing with the sand

he eats sand too.
it's been so long since the last time i went to the beach. granny was craving for Komala's Thosai so we went off to East Coast Beach to satisfy her craves. before that, we went off to play by the beach and i didn't know my little cousin there is very afraid of the ocean waves.
everyone is really proud of abang for passing his driving test. he broke the record in our family for only taking it 2 times. it ain't easy to pass the driving test especially if he's only 18 years old.
now, the government have imposed a new rule. only 21 years old and above are allowed to take the driving license. thankfully abang was fast and managed to get his lessons a.s.a.p before the new rule was imposed.
so our weekend car will not only be driven by dad now as it has got a new driver.